Office 365 Portal
The place to create and share Office documents, send and receive email, maintain your online calendar, manage your contacts list and install Office apps.
Access to online tools and what you need to know before using them.
The place to create and share Office documents, send and receive email, maintain your online calendar, manage your contacts list and install Office apps.
You can use this service to create, distribute and analyse surveys via the web.
As a member of staff, you can use the OnTheHub software portal to download software including Minitab and IBM analytics packages.
If you are a member of staff organising an event in a University building you can place a food and drink order through Food Direct.
Access your University email through your web browser using Outlook Web App (OWA).
A database of past exam papers managed by the Library from the last 5 years of department/school assessments to aid student revision and exam practice.
If you have received a parking charge notice, you can pay or appeal it online.
Sign in to accept or reject your accommodation offer, read your arrival details and pay your accommodation fees by card online.
Create a personal web page at
Log onto Pure, the University's system for managing information about your research publications, projects, activities and impacts.