Claverton campus map
Use this map to find your way around campus when you come to visit us on an Open Day or Campus Experience Day.
Documents and other files you can download.
Use this map to find your way around campus when you come to visit us on an Open Day or Campus Experience Day.
The aim of this project is to develop computational models of HF, which can be used to aid treatment optimisation.
Find out what commitments are set out in the Concordat and how the University meets them.
Guidance about Confirmation for the Supervision team, Directors of Studies, Internal Examiners and Doctoral College Staff.
A diagram of the structure of the boards and committees that report to Council and Senate.
Nominate a member of staff to serve on the University Council from 1 August 2019 until 31 July 2022.
If you are a member of staff working on the Course Publisher project, use these templates to collect your content and prepare it for transition.
Nominate a member of staff to serve on the University Court from 1 August 2019 for three years.
The aim of this project is to define the role efflux systems play in biofilm formation, using P. mirabilis as a clinically relevant model organism.
Find out about the induction events happening in your department.