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Accessing iTrent off-campus

Accessing the University HR and Payroll system securely while working off-campus.

Off-campus access to iTrent

You can access ESS off-campus, but MSS is only accessible off-campus via Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Guidance on how to connect to the University VPN.

Annual leave

If you are unable to connect via VPN and have an annual leave task to consider, you may want to notify the requestor of your decision outside of MSS. You can then update MSS upon your return to campus.


If you are unable to connect via VPN and you have been notified that one of your reportees has submitted an e-timesheet for your consideration, this could delay your reportee from receiving payment.

If it is likely that the timesheet won't have been approved by the 5th of the month, you can contact DDaT to request that the task be redirected to your delegate.

In the email you will need to detail the task that should be redirected and the name, University user name and position of the person to whom the task should be redirected.

Out of office/vacation message

Please do remember that you can redirect your tasks within MSS before you go away by selecting 'Task redirections' on the right-hand side of the dashboard when you log in to MSS.

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