

UNTSOCP003: BSc (hons): Social Work and Applied Social Studies

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
PSYC0001Psychology 16Credits
SOCP0001Introduction to social policy & the welfare state 16Credits
SOCP0043The sociology of industrial societies6Credits
SOCP0059Core skills for social scientists: social research methods3Credits
SOCP0105Community profiling: research in action - Year 13Credits
SOCP0110Core skills for social scientists: information technology methods3Credits

Year 1, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
PSYC0057Becoming a social person6Credits
SOCP0002Introduction to social policy & the welfare state 26Credits
SOCP0044The sociology of inequalities6Credits
SOCP0060Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis6Credits
SOCP0106Sociology of social work - Year 16Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Period of mixed study and experience
Mandatory Units
SOCP0016Communication skills3Credits
SOCP0019Developing professional competence 13Credits
SOCP0020Discrimination & empowerment in social work6Credits
SOCP0021Social work placement 118Credits

Year 2, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
SOCP0003'Race' & racism6Credits
SOCP0022Organisation & management of personal social services6Credits
SOCP0024Legislation for social work practice 16Credits
SOCP0025Theories & methods in social work6Credits
Optional Units
Select 1 unit from the following list:
PSYC0007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
SOCP0005 Politics and the policy process 6 Credits
SOCP0010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Period of mixed study and experience
Mandatory Units
SOCP0004Family matters: sociological & social policy approaches to family & friendship in contempory society6Credits
SOCP0023Child care research & practice3Credits
SOCP0029Legislation for social work practice 26Credits
SOCP0030Developing professional competence 3: principles of practice3Credits
Optional Units
Select 1 unit from the following list:
PSYC0010 Clinical psychology 6 Credits
SOCP0006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
Select 1 unit from the following list:
SOCP0031 Community care 6 Credits
SOCP0032 Mental health 6 Credits
SOCP0033 Children & families 6 Credits
SOCP0034 Working with offenders 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
SOCP0027Social work dissertation 16Credits
SOCP0028Social work dissertation 212Credits
SOCP0035Social work placement 212Credits

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