UNTSOCP002: BSc (hons): Social Work and Applied Social Studies
Year 3, Semester 1
Mode of Attendance: Period of mixed study and experience
Mandatory Units
SOCP0016 Communication skills 3 Credits
SOCP0017 Groupwork 3 Credits
SOCP0018 Community profiling: research in action 3 Credits
SOCP0019 Developing professional competence 1 3 Credits
SOCP0021 Social work placement 1 18 Credits
SOCP0089 Discrimination & empowerment in social work (4 year prog) 6 Credits
Year 3, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
SOCP0027 Social work dissertation 1 6 Credits
SOCP0088 Theories & methods in social work (4 year prog) 6 Credits
SOCP0091 Organisation of personal social services (4 year prog) 6 Credits
SOCP0092 Legislation for social work practice 1 (4 year prog) 6 Credits
SOCP0093 Sociology of social work (4 year prog) 6 Credits
Year 4, Semester 1
Mode of Attendance: Period of mixed study and experience
Mandatory Units
SOCP0028 Social work dissertation 2 12 Credits
SOCP0029 Legislation for social work practice 2 6 Credits
SOCP0030 Developing professional competence 3: principles of practice 3 Credits
SOCP0087 Child care research & practice (4 year prog) 3 Credits
Optional Units
Select 1 unit from the following list:
SOCP0031 Community care 6 Credits
SOCP0032 Mental health 6 Credits
SOCP0033 Children & families 6 Credits
SOCP0034 Working with offenders 6 Credits
Year 4, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
SOCP0086 Social work placement 2 (4 year prog) 30 Credits
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